MindfulPacer Project Statusupdate Q1’2025 [German Article]

This post first appeared in German on www.mindfulpacer.com.

Hallo zusammen!

Gerne möchte ich die Gelegenenheit nutzen, um (endlich) ein Statusupdate zum MindfulPacer-Projekt zu geben. Dieses ist schon lange überfällig, aber diverse Herausforderungen haben dazu geführt, dass sich dieses mehrmals verzögert hat.

Wie einige vielleicht wissen, ist MindfulPacer Mitte 2023 aus einem Masterprojekt am Institut für Informatik entstanden und die Projektfortsetzung wurde dann Ende 2023 mit dem Postdoc Team Award ausgezeichnet, aufgrund dem interdisziplinären Charakter, welche u.A. Medizin und Informatik beinhaltet. Um die nächsten Projektschritte zu finanzieren, haben wir bei der Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschule (DIZH) einen kleinen Forschungsantrag gestelt und erhalten. Das Ziel dieses Forschungsbeitrags ist, MindfulPacer zu veröffentlichen und anschliessend die Community einzubinden, um gemeinsam das Projekt voranzutreiben. Nach einem Wechsel in der Co-Projektleitung, wir haben mit Tobias Hoch einen würdigen Ersatz gefunden, und haben im Frühling 2024 mit dem Projekt starten können!

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Better Balancing Focused Work and Collaboration in Hybrid Teams by Cultivating the Sharing of Work Schedules

I am thrilled to announce the acceptance of our newest FlowTeams-paper that marks a continuation of our seminal FlowLight-paper. This blogpost first appeared in the FlowLabs blog.

Multi-tasking Craziness in Hybrid Teams

A key challenge that knowledge workers in hybrid teams face nowadays revolves around finding a balance between focused work and collaborating with their team to support them. When an individual spends too much time with teamwork, individual productivity might suffer. Conversely, when focusing only on progressing one’s own work, teamwork suffers and co-workers might remain blocked with unanswered questions.

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Hybrides Arbeiten oder weshalb wir Mitarbeitende nicht zurück ins Büro zwingen sollten [German article]

I was recently invited to contribute an article to the alumni magazine of the Department of informatics (of the university of Zurich). In that article, I talk about challenges of hybrid work and give a few concrete pointers towards tackling them, by involving the team.

In einer Arbeitswelt die sich durch die Covid-Pandemie rasant verändert hat, stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung ihre Arbeitsmodelle neu zu definieren. Immer öfters möchten sich Arbeitnehmende nicht mehr nach traditionellen Arbeitsformen richten, wie beispielsweise täglich von 9-5 im Büro zu arbeiten und immer öfters fordern sie flexiblere, hybride Arbeitsprozesse. Um diese effizient umzusetzen und schlussendlich sogar als Wettbewerbsvorteil für die Gewinnung und langfristige Bindung von Talenten zu nutzen, beschreibt dieser Artikel einige Gedankenanstösse basierend auf Forschung mit und Beratung von Schweizer Unternehmen.

Grosse Technologieunternehmen wie Apple und Microsoft haben in den letzten Jahren Milliarden in den Ausbau ihrer Hauptsitze investiert, nur um sie nun grösstenteils leer vorzufinden. Auch in der Schweiz lesen wir ähnliche Schlagzeilen, wie jene von Roche, die den Bau des geplanten höchsten Büroturms der Schweiz, dem Bau 3, verschoben hat um das Bürokonzept zu überdenken. Dies beruht meist nicht auf massiven Fehlkalkulationen jener Unternehmen. Da sich solche Projekte von der Planung bis zur Umsetzung oft über mehrere Jahre erstrecken, konnte die Covid-19-Pandemie innerhalb weniger Monate die Art und Weise wie Unternehmen ihre Büroräumlichkeiten nutzen, grundlegend umkrempeln. Viele Wissensarbeitende möchten nicht mehr täglich den Weg ins Büro auf sich nehmen. Trotzdem sollen diese Investitionen sinnvoll genutzt werden.

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Hybride Arbeit oder alle zurück ins Büro? [German article]

Abraxas, a leader in innovative and secure ICT solutions for Swiss government agencies, recently invited me to write an article on how organizations can leverage hybrid work as a market advantage and to better balance focus and teamwork, while at the same time ensuring data privacy and security, especially nowadays with the omnipresent AI tools, such as ChatGPT. The article appeared online and in-print in the Abraxas Magazine.

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DSI Insights: New Work oder die Balance zwischen Fokusarbeit und Teamwork [German article]

This German article was written as a collaboration with the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich and first published on Inside IT, later on UZH News.

New Work erlaubt mehr Flexibilität beim Organisieren und Strukturieren der eigenen Arbeit. Dies kann zwar zu erhöhter Produktivität führen, aber die Teamarbeit leidet öfters darunter. Wie geht das unter einen Hut?

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How to Organize your Workday for increased Focus at Work

As knowledge workers, we rely on our ability to concentrate and complete our tasks efficiently and effectively. However, with the constant influx of new information, interruptions from co-workers asking for help and distractions, it can be a major challenge to stay in focus for more than a few minutes at a time. Balancing all the different activities and duties and constantly recovering from interruptions throughout the day can be taxing on workers, resulting in higher stress, reduced motivation and more errors. In addition, finding such a balance can be challenging due to intricacies of everyday work, such as unplanned tasks or problems coming up, the natural need to collaborate frequently within and across teams, personal preferences on when and how to communicate and work, as well as trends towards remote/hybrid work.

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Publication: Performance of DCNN for MRI-based vertebral body measurements and insufficiency fracture detection

Co-Authors: Christoph Germann, André Meyer, Matthias Staib, Reto Sutter, Benjamin Fritz.

I am thrilled to share that my first peer-reviewed non-software engineering publication was just published, in European Radiology! It is one of the outcomes of my work as Head of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Management at ScanDiags, a Swiss AI-company that specializes on building AI-software that supports radiologists with the detection, measuring and diagnosis of musculoskeletal MRI.

You can access the open access publication directly on Springer.

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Experimenting with Walk Meetings and Creativity-boosting Walks

A couple of years ago, I’ve started experimenting with walk meetings for the first time, and briefly wrote about them in my blog. Little did I know back then that I would suddenly have way more time to walk, and that being outside was the only relatively safe way to talk to people face-to-face, and to limit risking an infection with COVID-19.

At work, spending an entire day in meeting rooms at the office or in a Teams or Zoom-meeting at the home office is certainly not very appealing, and spending that time sitting is actually quite unhealthy. After all, our bodies are not made for sitting, but we’re nonetheless sitting on average 9.3 hours a day, and this was before the pandemic!

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Podcast Episode on Developers’ Diverging Perceptions of Productivity

Recently, Abi Noda and I talked about our Book chapter in the ‘Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering‘ book on our research to better understand software developers’ perceptions of productivity, and how these insights might be applied by managers and team leads in software teams.

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DIZH Grant on “Fostering Productive Work in Hybrid Workplaces through an Ambient Display”

I am really excited to announce the acceptance of a grant from DIZH, the digitalization initiative of the Zurich higher education institution. The rapid action grant aims to have rapid impact on the economy and/or society of the greater Zurich area and elsewhere. Since our successful study a few years back, we have been looking for opportunities to allow professionals and companies to obtain and use the FlowLight, given the frequent requests that we still receive to date. The DIZH’s call for having rapid impact and the pandemic-enforced shifts to a more hybrid workplace scenarios are the perfect opportunity to make the FlowLight available to the greater public. We are very much looking forward to this project.

On our project page, you can learn more about this rapid action project.

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How to obtain the Scrum.org Product Owner (PSPO 1) Certification

Since a few colleagues asked me how I’ve prepared for my recent Scrum.org Product Owner certification, I am summarizing my preparation for easy reference. Note that I’ve passed the exam in November 2021, it might have changed since then.

First of all, I want to emphasize that the exam tests that you’ve understood the theoretical foundation and basic processes of being a Scrum Product Owner (PO) in theory. In my opinion, it’s much more important to actually work as a PO in practice, learn with and from your teams, and grow with them as the processes and product matures.

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Remotely collaborating on knowledge exchange & learning during a Pandemic

Staying motivated and continuing information flow and knowledge exchange is very challenging during a pandemic, especially for teams which are not used to the remote-only setting.

In this blogpost that we published in the Balzano Informatik AG Blog, I write about the four new tracks we’ve introduced at Balzano Informatik AG to foster continuous learning and knowledge exchange for our work on ScanDiags.

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Smart Energy: Hourly PV Power Output Predictions in Pre-Alpine Terrain in Switzerland

While I am usually performing research in Software Engineering and HCI, I am happy to present a first milestone that we’ve reached in our Smart Energy project at MIT Coaching. In our Lab32, we are building photovoltaic (PV) power output predictions in the pre-alpine terrain of Switzerland.

To that purpose, we used actual PV power output data as ground truth, and use meteorological forecast data (such as temperature, global irradiance, clouds) as well as PV system data (such as location, tilt, type of modules and inverters) to build predictive models based on artificial neural networks (ANN), that are able to forecast the future PV power output on a intra-day horizon of 12-24 hours.

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Enabling Good Work Habits in Software Developers through Reflective Goal-Setting

I am thrilled to announce our most recent paper on how we are helping developers become more productive and enable better work habits through reflective goal-setting. IT was recently accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal.

Co-Authors: André N. Meyer (University of Zurich), Gail C. Murphy (University of British Columbia), Thomas Zimmermann (Microsoft Research), Thomas Fritz (University of Zurich).

You may download the pre-print here.

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Book: Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering

I am proud to have been given the chance to author three chapters in our new productivity book, which is the result from a thought-provoking and discussion-intensive Dagstuhl Seminar in 2017. It was edited by Caitlin Sadowski and Thomas Zimmermann, and is available for free (OpenAccess). In the book, software engineering researchers review and discuss productivity, by covering definitions and core concepts related to productivity, guidelines for measuring productivity in specific contexts, best practices and pitfalls, and theories and open questions on productivity. You’ll benefit from the many short chapters, each offering a focused discussion on one aspect of productivity in software engineering.

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