The growing globalization attracts many enterprises to distribute their software development. Aside multiple risks and problems, there are a variety of advantages; e.g. saving time and money, finding the right people and working at the customers place. In this paper, the motivation for the development of software in a scattered environment is summarized. Furthermore, challenges such as cultural and communication problems, time-zone differences, management issues, language barriers, etc. are addressed together with selected solutions to avoid the collapse or delay of projects.
The growing globalization attracts many enterprises to distribute their software development. Aside multiple risks and problems, there are a variety of advantages; e.g. saving time and money, finding the right people and working at the customers place. In this paper, the motivation for the development of software in a scattered environment is summarized. Furthermore, challenges such as cultural and communication problems, time-zone differences, management issues, language barriers, etc. are addressed together with selected solutions to avoid the collapse or delay of projects.
Author’s comment
I’m proud to tell you, that I just finished my really first paper. I wrote it in a course called “Advanced Software Engineering” at the Department of Informatics, University of Zurich. If you have further questions or remarks, feel free to contact me.
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