Category: Blog (page 5 of 6)

Tagi-News für Windows: Ich brauche Ihre Hilfe!

Liebe Windows Tagi-News Benutzerin und lieber Windows Tagi-News Benutzer

Unser Problem

Seit etwas mehr als zwei Jahren nutzen knapp 8’000 Benutzer die Tagi-News App für Windows Phone und seit ca. einem Jahr inzwischen knapp 26’000 Benutzer die kostenlose Tagi-News App für Windows 8. Tagi-News gehört seit jeher zu den beliebtesten und meist-gedownloadeten Apps in der Kategorie News (in der Schweiz) und die Version für Windows 8 wurde 2013 von Microsoft sogar zur App des Jahres gekürt.

Tagesanzeiger hat die Veröffentlichung der beiden Apps nicht unterstützt, aber gutgeheissen. Durch die Einführung der so genannten Paywall (kostenpflichtige Artikel) können wir die Inhalte und somit die Tagi-News Apps leider nicht mehr anbieten. Mehrere Versuche zur Einigung mit Tagesanzeiger und einer Einführung einer offiziellen App auf beiden Plattformen sind leider aus Desinteresse von Tagesanzeiger gescheitert.

Wir bedauern diese Entwicklung sehr, können aber leider nichts mehr unternehmen. Nur noch Sie können uns helfen: Bitte teilen Sie Tagesanzeiger mit, dass Sie weiterhin auf Ihren Windows Geräten Tagi-News lesen wollen und nicht weiterhin systematisch ignoriert werden wollen. Besten Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!

Ihre MIT Innovation AG

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Ja, ich will helfen!

(öffnet eine neue E-Mail, die Sie nur noch absenden können!)

Weitere Informationen…

… finden Sie auf hier. Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!


Information Fragments – SEAL & Adesso Innovation Snack

Innovation Snacks are technology talks about research and development activities, technologies, and tools. It is a joint event series of s.e.a.l. and adesso, in which researchers and practitioners meet for breakfast and technical talks about the current state and future of software engineering. Today, my colleagues (Florian Stucki & Philipp Nützi) and I had the chance to present our information fragments tool, a prototype we developed in the past semester (HS13). The idea of the tool is that it aggregates data from various project data sources (from code, to work items, to people information) and visualizes the combination of the data to answer different stakeholders’ (developers, testers, managers, customers) questions in an intuitive web interface by visualizing the data in various ways. The tool can easily be extended with any other repository (that offers its data via web service), such as requirements, use cases, etc. For more information, please refer to the files here.

Observation Study in Vancouver/Seattle

I am currently in Vancouver (CA) and will soon leave for Seattle (US), where I got the big chance to run the context switches study for my master thesis.

In this study, we want to investigate the context switches and interruptions that developers experience in their workday and their impact on productivity. Therefore, we are observing developers in their workday by shadowing them and writing down the activities they work on and the switches/interruptions they encounter and perform in their work. After the observation session, we are conducting short interviews with the developers on these observations and the correlation between context switches and productivity, e.g., whether they think that certain switches/interruptions are particularly disruptive to their productivity, if they actively try to prevent interruptions and whether and when handling emails and meetings are decreasing productivity.

With the results of this study we hope to gain insights into the correlation between a developer’s activities, context switches and the felt productivity. Furthermore, we hope to be able to determine heuristics in how to automatically identify context switches and their impact on productivity.

The idea for this study stems from the results of a survey that we ran with approximately 350 software developers and that shows that many developers consider themselves more productive when they have few switches that interrupt their focus on a task.

Information Fragments

In my master project, two colleagues and I got the chance to develop a powerful web-application, using Asp.Net, Azure and TFS, to help the developer answer his daily questions using the information from multiple software repositories.

In a typical workday, developers have to answer several questions, such as “Who is working on what?” or “Which is the most popular class?”. Today’s tool support is limited, as we only found tools, where the usage was tedious and time consuming, where the user has to learn a new query language or where the license costs are very high. Besides this issue, there are enormous amounts of information a developer has to manage. A solution to increase the efficiency of answering everyday questions is needed to support the developer in keeping track with the growing complexity of the information. Fritz and Murphy developed a concept, information fragments, which compares and merges different data sets from different repositories using an id and text matching algorithm between the connections of these repositories. These nodes and edges are aggregated to a graph, the composed fragment, and presented to the user. We base our work on this approach and developed an extensible web application prototype that lets the user easily manipulate and filter the composed data by using an easy to understand abstraction of the model. Additionally, the data is represented using five different visualizations, each meaningful for different situations. The usefulness of the approach and its implementation was evaluated, using four usage scenarios. Finally, interesting directions for future work have been presented and discussed.

You may read our report here.

Extended Todos

During a course at the university (Human Aspects of Software Engineering, by Prof. Thomas Fritz), Claudio Anliker and I got the chance to develop a small application to help the developer in his daily tasks. Our result is a Visual Studio add-in that extends the representation and management of task annotations (=todos):


It is common practice that developers use task annotations in their code to improve its readability and the communication between team-members. Their fast creation makes them easy to forget, as there is usually no connection to a planning tool and only a limited view to manage them available. We introduce a new approach by connecting task annotations with an agile planning tool, improving their rep- resentation by adding contextual information and extending their default view. This approach aims to extend the very limited possibilities present in current modern IDEs such as Visual Studio, but also to keep the lightweight characteristics. An operability study and a small-scale evaluation shows the approach’s great potential, despite its prototype nature and many possibilities and ideas for future work.


You may read our report here.

New project in the pipeline

It has been quiet in the last couple of months in terms of app releases or updates. This is not because I suddenly got lazy, but because we are working on a big, awesome (and secret) app project. I don’t have a lot to share at this point (I will definitely do this at a later stage), but I can reveal that it will be a cross-platform app powered by Windows Azure and developed by MIT Public Cloud Services GmbH. Moreover, I am studying and working at the University of Zurich, where I am working on several stunning projects, using the latest technologies & tools: Windows Azure, Asp.Net MVC, Visual Studio Addin Development, Team Foundation Server (API) – to name just a few. It’s a lot of fun & I learn a lot!

An insect-like, crash-happy flying robot by EPFL

This robot autonomously flew through a forest!



Survey: Personal Analytics

Dear reader,


Are there days when your development work goes well and days when you just cannot seem to get anything done? We invite you to participate in our survey about your development work and how you track and improve it. Our aim is to create tools to help you better reflect and improve on your development work.


The following survey will take you about 15 minutes of your time. With your participation you get the chance to enter our lottery to win one of two Amazon gift certificates with a value of $200 each.


We will keep your survey responses anonymous. We will NOT attribute answers to any particular participant. At the end of the survey, you are asked to insert your mail address voluntarily to contact you in case you want to participate in the lottery and/or in case you want us to email you the survey results.


We would greatly appreciate your participation!


You find the survey here:


Prof. Thomas Fritz and André Meyer (University of Zurich)


PS: You may find our survey also in the media: and Heise Developer.

TouchMountain video made by Nokia

Nokia just released the video we made at the Mobile World Congress 2013 featuring TouchMountain, the cooperation with Nokia and Augmented Reality in general. You can find more information at Nokia Developer.


«Es war spannend, herauszufinden, wie viel man mit einem Smartphone machen kann»

In der neusten Ausgabe der Netzwoche erkläre ich im Interview, warum wir die App für Windows Phone entwickelt haben und diskutiere die Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung einer Augmented-Reality App. Interview: Marcel Urech, Netzwoche



Application Development

In my free-time, which is currently very rare, I am a passionate application developer. I love implementing new ideas, trying out new stuff, aggregate a lot of information and use sensors to visualize the data.

Windows 8 App of the Year Award

Ich wurde heute von Microsoft an die Shape (The App Conference) eingeladen. Die Shape findet dieses Jahr zum fünften Mal statt und richtet sich an Entwickler (aller Plattformen!), die sich für App Entwicklung im Allgemeinen und App Entwicklung auf der Windows Plattform interessieren. Erich Gamma war übrigens der Keynote Speaker und startete den Anlass mit seinem Vortrag über seine Arbeit an Entwicklertools, die vollständig im Browser funktionieren und mit TypeScript (JavaScript) entwickelt worden sind. Spannend!


Vorher wurden die besten Windows Phone und Windows 8 Apps ausgezeichnet. Tagi-News für Windows 8, das ich bei der MIT-GROUP im letzten Sommer (mit einigen Updates ;)) entwickelt habe gehörte ebenfalls zu den Gewinnern, was mich natürlich sehr freute :-).


Hier das Video von der Demo:


Weitere Infos finden Sie z.B. hier auf im Microsoft Media Corner, auf Inside-IT, auf ITMagazine oder auf Sie können Tagi-News hier kostenlos herunterladen.




Die Windows 8 App der MIT-GROUP bietet Ihnen aktuelle Informationen zu unseren Produkten, Hinweise bei Service-Unterbrüchen und weitere Neuigkeiten. Darüber hinaus präsentieren wir eine Auswahl von Webcams mit wunderschönen Sujets aus der ganzen Schweiz. Des Weiteren gibt es eine Kategorie ‘IT News’, die eine Auswahl an relevanten Artikeln zu Themen aus der IT, Windows-Welt, Gadgets, Business-Applikationen, etc. aggregiert und ansprechend visualisiert. Durch diese News können Sie bequem navigieren und haben die Möglichkeit, den gesamten Artikel zu lesen oder mit Bekannten zu teilen. Die App wird laufend erweitert und ist ein kostenloses Angebot der MIT-GROUP.

Gefällt Ihnen diese App? Falls Sie Fragen oder Vorschläge zu der App haben, wenden Sie sich bitte

Sie möchten auch eine App? Die MIT Innovation AG hat sich unter Anderem auf die Entwicklung von Apps auf Windows 8 und Windows Phone spezialisiert. Falls Sie eine kostengünstige App haben möchten, können Sie sich sehr gerne an uns wenden: Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf



Mobile World Congress 2013

As TouchMountain won the Lumia Geek-7 Week Award, we were invited by Nokia to demo our app at the Mobile World Congress 2013! The MWC is the biggest technology congress worldwide with more than 17’000 visitors. We had a couple of very interesting appointments throughout the week: demo & awarding of TouchMountain at the Nokia Application Developer Conference, a meeting with the awesome guys from PainHawk, an interview with Nokias film crew, a VIP dinner at the Blanc Brasserie at Mandarin Oriental and an elevator-pitch-style presentation at the WIPJam DemoCamp. We met a lot of great people and got tons of great feedback and suggestions.

You can find more here:

TouchMountain won the Lumia Geek 8-Week Technology Showcase Award

TouchMountain won the Lumia Geek 8-Week Technology Showcase price! There were 400 entries for this competition and TouchMountain convinced by using several technologies and integrating them in an easy-to-use and intuitive UI. Moreover, the novel take on augmented reality was honored. We are extremely glad and proud of this award. TouchMountain will be shown at a WIP Jam session at MWC in Barcelona. Thanks to all users and fans for your feedback & support!

You find more information about the competition here. And a blog post on Nokia Developer and WIPConnector.